The Venerable White Brotherhood

The term White Brotherhood first appeared in public at the end of the 19th century and the first among the Masters to mention it was V.M. Beinsa Douno and V.M. Blavatsky. This fact does not signifies that the Respectable White Brotherhood had not existed before, already since the beginning of Humanity, guiding souls to the Divine Light through the process of Initiation.

The White Brotherhood is not an organisation that deals with material preoccupations and earthly powers. Hierarchies of the White Fraternity are Spiritual Hierarchies, they are Beings awakened to benevolence, who have escaped the diabolical dualism of the ego state and have ascended hierarchically to the Divine Light.

In this sense they have been helping humanity since its inception. They are not politically and socially involved in the sense that they do not hold positions of power, nor do they pull some strings as some people incorrectly presume.

The Venerable White Brotherhood believes in free will and thus gives its lights to those who seek it so that they can awaken their Consciousness to Divinity and participate in the Divine Plan, not in some human and selfish plans.

That’s why a lot is being said, and there’s a lot of fear on the subject, but people are always afraid of what they don’t comprehend. There have been religions in the past that have said that the Creator is evil and is not the true God and that the flesh is therefore devilish and that we should punish or corrupt it as much as we can. Such reasoning is leaded by the ignorance of the ego. Anyone who has woken up can see that such delusions come from the ego, and all they do is inflame negative emotions.

Such theories survive even today. And this because the ego does not want to be separated from its negative emotions and does not want to understand what Love is, which redeems the human heart from hatred, doubt, infidelity and darkness that can nest there.

Our beloved Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, says of the White Brotherhood:

Humanity develops in two circles: the exoteric and the esoteric. The exoteric is Public. The esoteric is Secret. The multitude lives in the exoteric, in the esoteric, the Adepts of the Great White Brotherhood.   It is the duty of all initiated Brothers to help those in the public circle. It is necessary to bring many to the secret circle of the White Brotherhood. The Initiatic Path is a true Revolution of Consciousness. This revolution has three perfectly defined aspects: first, to be born; second, to die; third, to sacrifice ourselves for humanity to give our life for humanity, to struggle to bring others to the secret path.

Samael Aun Weor – The Perfect Matrimony

What does Initiation means and what does Initiated? As it was mentioned it is something Secret, a Mystery (from greek μυστήριον). The word mystery that comes from the greek word mio (μυώ) and which  produces the words initiation: miisi (μύηση), and initiated: mistis (μύστης), means something that is closing, and from this root the word myopia (μυωπία) is also derived, which means closing the eyes, as the myopic do so they can see better. But why does initiation mean something secret and mysterious?

It’s like having a treasure, something valuable, that you have to safeguard. This is the Secret Path of the Heart that brings many emotions of Love, Friendship, Truth, Justice, Kindness, Companionship etc. If one starts exposing them recklessly from here and there, people will smear them, soothe them, and do harm to the person and to themselves.

The robbers will want to steal the treasure, the abusers to abuse it, and the sacrilegious will defile what is Sacred and Beautiful. That is why the mysteries of antiquity were secret. Not because there is something deceptive and evil in them. Of course, those who are sly in their minds and their hearts will think this way for everyone else, and as long as there is deception, selfishness and disturbed emotions this will be the case.

Only the benevolent, the pure and the righteous can escape from it. And as materialism will prevail every-time even more, the hatred and injustice between people will increase. People have become neurasthenic from overworking and from the lack of rest, having constantly a screen in front of them, with thoughts subjected by a self-centred, violent and materialistic culture. Isn’t this therefore a logical outcome? Whoso readeth, let him understand.

The darkness is not fought, the darkness disappears when the Light comes. For this reason the Masters of the White Brotherhood want us to awaken psychologically and that is why they have given us the Three Factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness which in this order are:

1. Death. For man to know these inferior psychological elements within him, which is selfishness, egoism, from which the sin originates, and to dissolve it, so that virtues may flow from within him. Only by dissolving the ego can one embody the virtues and not before.

2. Birth. To achieve an inner rebirth. But if he firstly does not die he cannot be born internally. This is the alchemical birth or second birth to which the scriptures refer to in Christianity, Hinduism, Ancient Egypt, etc. It is about transmuting the energy of Man and the Perfect Matrimony.

3. Sacrifice. Sacrifice is an offering of the chaste heart. It is to give without waiting profit from others and God. If we do not give, we cannot ask to receive. And we, having the gift of Life, must give back to the Creator and to all his creatures the very Love that He offers us, and move all together towards the Light and Love. These are the virtues of Bodhisattva, flooded with infinite compassion for all the creatures of creation that suffer.

If one does not see Life as a Gift, as a Miracle, then one needs to heal one’s soul and become a child again to begin to truly live.

This presupposes an Inner Work on ourselves. People expect that they will gain a place in Heaven next to God only by believing but not by working. But just as to make a beautiful garden requires a laborious work with the soil, with the plants, with the water, with the fertiliser, with the fence, so, in order to make the beautiful garden of our soul, we need work on ourselves, to sweat, in order to enjoy later the aroma of divinity that will sprout from the roses of our heart.

The Venerable White Brotherhood Masters are Holy and Awakened Beings, who have worked intensively on themselves. Indeed the White Brotherhood is the Communion of the Saints. This cannot be seen by one who views things purely from an external standpoint and analyses only from theories.

“There are two types of Wisdom: the Eye Doctrine and the Heart Doctrine. The Eye Doctrine is for those who are satisfied with spiritual theories and the Heart Doctrine is for authentic Initiates. To the Eye Doctrine belong all the members of the so-called spiritual schools, and their concepts are as variable as are the opinions of writers. To the Heart Doctrine belong all the masters of the universal White Fraternity because the primeval truths of this unique Wisdom are enclosed within it.

The Eye Doctrine comes to us through deduction and the Heart Doctrine through Intuition. The Eye Doctrine is human; it is produced by the intellect. The Heart Doctrine is divine; it is produced by the Internal Master.

The Eye Doctrine fortifies the mind. Our mind is the abode of desire; it thinks, reasons, analyses and wants to resolve everything by itself without taking into consideration the voice of the Internal Master. Therefore, the mind arrives at erroneous conclusions and leads us to erred actions.

The Internal Master does not analyse or reason because his voice is the voice of Intuition. The Heart Doctrine opens up the doors to the hall of Wisdom.”

Samael Aun Weor – The Zodiacal Course

Master Samael, an initiate of the Greater Mysteries, in which he arrived with tremendous efforts and hard work, is showing us the Path through His Works, and he is explaining us that the White Brotherhood is the Spiritual Hierarchy, not a secret earthly organisation, that people invented to form partnerships. They are initiates who have succeeded in passing into higher realms and embody in them the Christ power, in other words to achieve Christification.

“The great Master of Wisdom Kout Humi also incarnated the Christ. Sanat Kumara, the founder of the great College of Initiates of the White Lodge, is another living Christ. In the past, many incarnated the Christ. In the present, some have incarnated the Christ. In the future many will incarnate the Christ.  John the Baptist also incarnated the Christ. John the Baptist is a living Christ. The difference between Jesus and the other masters that also incarnated the Christ has to do with hierarchy. Jesus is the highest Solar initiate of the Cosmos”.

Samael Aun Weor – The Perfect Matrimony

Christ means the Anointed one (from Greek: χρῖσμα). Anointing does not come from any earthly power, it comes from Heaven, when man is perfected morally, psychologically and spiritually. When he has been working intensively for many years on his psychology, dissolving the psychological aggregates and working with Love itself through the perfect union of Man and Woman in the Alchemical Laboratory of the Perfect Marriage. In other words, when there is a Divine Ceremony between a Priest and a Priestess, tearing the veil of the Mysteries, so that the soul can enter the sanctuary of the heart, so that it can then participate in the Communion of the Saints.

Like this the student meets the Internal Master and is guided with steadily steps towards the Masterdom, towards perfection. The Masters, however, warn us that this Apprenticeship is not in the physical world. One has to wake up in the Inner Worlds to be able to learn.

“The Initiate can reach Nirvana in one single life if he so wants.

“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto light, and few are those who find it”.

Seven initiatic sanctuaries exist in the Astral Plane, and if the disciple wants to progress in this path, he has to seek a Master: “When the disciple is ready, the Master appears”.

“Beware of false prophets”. Do not accept external Masters in the physical plane. Learn how to travel in the Astral Body, and when you are skillful in the Astral, choose an authentic Master of Major Mysteries of the White Brotherhood and consecrate unto him the most absolute devotion and the most profound respect.

You must walk with much care in the physical world, since there are many false prophets. Do not accept external orders from anyone; you must only obey the commands that “we” give you in the Astral Plane.

Within this physical plane there exist many good and sincere initiates of the Minor Mysteries, but since they have not yet fused themselves with their Inner Master they are also “living dead.” Consequently, they have serious and very grievous errors, which can lead the student astray and even make him fall into the abyss.

When we want to make ourselves known to a student in the physical plane, we will give him “signs” and proof in the Astral Plane. But “be careful,” live alert and vigilant as a watchman in times of war, because in these times of the end, the Anti-Christ makes deceptive signs and wonders.

Samael Aun Weor – The Zodiacal Course

The astral plane can of course be visited by anyone, as long as it manages to wake up to it. There are many teachings to wake up to in the astral that we will not mention here, but we can say just enough, that the Master has told us, that our daily Meditation astralises us… beyond that there are many practices that the Gnostic Teaching transmits and every sincere zealot must make a vigorous effort in order to attain success.

Because there, we can experience things we cannot in the natural world, because there another freedom exists. But in order to “wake up”, we have to work very intensively on the psychological level.

“The authentic schools of mystery are found in the Astral Plane. This is why it is necessary for the disciple to learn how to “separate” the Astral Body from the physical body. It is necessary for the student to learn how to enter into those sanctuaries of inner instruction in order to receive direct instruction from the Masters of the Great White Lodge.”

Samael Aun Weor – The Zodiacal Course

“Whosoever awakens the consciousness lives in the Superior Worlds as a totally awakened citizen of the Cosmos. One then coexists with the great Hierophants of the White Lodge”.

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“The awakening of the consciousness is urgent. Whosoever learns to project the Astral Body at will can study at the feet of the great Masters of Wisdom. In the Astral World we find our Guru who will instruct us in the great mysteries.”

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“There we shall sit at the feet of the great masters of the White Lodge. There we shall gain strength for the difficult path. It is necessary that we strengthen ourselves on the path; to take a break and receive direct instruction from the lips of our Guru. He, as a loving Father, always waits for us in the Astral Body to console us. The adepts are true flying serpents”.

Samael Aun Weor – The Perfect Matrimony

The White Brotherhood wants us to awaken our Conscience. The Masters of the White Brotherhood are working hard to help us awaken Consciousness here and in the Higher Worlds. There we can really have another perspective on Good and Bad.

Truly, there is a dark contrast to the White Brotherhood, which is the Black Brotherhood. As there is light, there is also shadow, so the Tree of Life that the Kabbalists talk about has its dark opposition, it is an upside-down tree that goes down to the Kingdom of Hades.

We can see it in Dante’s descent into hell in his work of the Divine Comedy, where we find nine submerged worlds in the lower inner dimensions of Nature.

There is the Kingdom of the Black Brotherhood, which is a Black Hierarchy. It is the Mystics of the Left Hand who have chosen the path of evil, who have chosen to reinforce their selfishness and move away from divinity towards the heaviest material fields.

Our Teachers also talk about this Brotherhood, and they draw our attention.

It is not a brotherhood that acts as a union in the physical realm, but as egoism is pervasive in a materialistic society, every human being can be influenced by the forces that they foment.

A student of light must avoid the pupils and influences of the Black Brotherhood with great care and focus constantly on the light.

We all have the multiple ego within us, and we are in danger of being misled by the darkness and the dark Hierarchies. That is why we must constantly remember the Light, God, Christ and our Holy Teachers, and work on the Grand Work of the Father (Gran Opus). Because what we engage with mentally, verbally, emotionally, or with our actions, we coordinate and vibrate with the corresponding forces. And that is why we must open our hearts to the Light and seek it day and night continually.

Negative emotions are everywhere and abundant. All the world is sick because of the negative emotions, the Venerable Masters explain us. We must seek the healing, which is Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Kindness. Inside our homes, our families, and our communities.

Avoid any kind of reference to others, good or bad (gossip), complain about nothing and nobody, and live in Harmony.

“As Love, God is found within the heart temple.

Wisdom and Love are the two basal pillars of the great White Lodge”.

Samael Aun Weor – The Perfect Matrimony

The White Brotherhood opens its arms to all of Humanity and truly wants all people to be freed from the plagues of selfishness and ignorance and to live in harmony, in love and in the Light, forming a Solar Civilisation of true spiritual values. But can this be even possible if we don’t want it? Each of us must work for it if we want to achieve it. Otherwise the Masters cannot impose on us, as this would go against free will.

Thus there are various levels of Apprenticeship in the Teaching. We could say that there are Three Circles with one Centre. An exoteric circle, an intermediate circle (mesoteric) and an esoteric circle. That is why Master tells us that humanity evolves in two cycles, but in reality there is an intermediate field which is the field of Apprenticeship (elsewhere he clarifies). In the ancient schools the neophyte student could not see the Master until after many years and after progressing to the third level. If he often listened to the Teaching directly, the Master was speaking behind a sheet and the students only heard his voice.

This is the Esoteric Path of Initiation. Initiation as stated before is not something external, exoteric but rather something Esoteric. It is not something we can pay for, or give something material in exchange, or some kind of favor that we will do to someone to acquire it. It is not a degree that someone will give us and they will address us with, or a title that we will hang on our wall. It is something completely esoteric and secret, due to an esoteric discipline and order. In the words of the Master:

Indeed, all the initiations and degrees that many schools of the physical world confer have no value whatsoever in the Superior Worlds, because the masters of the White Lodge only recognize the legitimate initiations of the Soul as genuine. These are completely internal.

In this way everyone should understand that true Esotericism and the true Occultism are something about the Paths of the Soul and the Spirit and the inner dimensions of the Universe and not something physical, material or an organisation housed in some building.

Some School, Religion, Sect may express the Venerable White Brotherhood or it may not. And that is why the student must awaken to his Discernment, and be able to see where the true Light of Teaching and Knowledge originates, in order to be able to enter the true Mysteries.

There is one church in the world (not many), but outside the church there is the Universal White Brotherhood – it is higher than the church. But even higher than the Great Universal White Brotherhood is the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the church is the first step, the Universal White Brotherhood is the second step, and the Kingdom of God is the third step – the greatest that needs to be manifested.

Beinsa Douno – Sofia, 24.6.1923

The church of God is One. There are not many religions, many sects, because the word of God is one is not many. Church means the call (from Greek καλώ) to hear the Teaching and to participate in the Mysteries conveyed by the Masters of the Venerable White Brotherhood.

In order to progress internally we must receive the inner teachings that are given at this era and act with OBEDIENCE, with DISCIPLINE and WILL, in order to achieve purity, sanctification, and progress in the Path of Apprenticeship.

The Venerable Master Beinsa Douno also said:

Let us all remember this thing! This should be imprinted in your minds. The Universal White Brotherhood is not something visible; It is not a sect; It is not a church; It is something alive, outside of these corrupted conditions in which people live. What we have, the way people live now, this is not a brotherhood.

Beinsa Douno – Sofia, 22.2.1925

The dawning Age of Light is a plan of God, and the Venerable Masters of the White Brotherhood are simply fulfilling the commandments of Heaven, seeking people of good will and for this harvest that will happen in the end of times.

Working on ourselves will lead us to Higher Spheres of Existence and allow us to walk alongside these beings.

If we are to succeed in this task, we must study the Works of the Venerable Masters Samael Aun Weor, Lakhsmi and Michael, who are now delivering the highest teachings the White Brotherhood has delivered in these difficult times.

In this way, gradually, we will be able to enter from the exoteric in the esoteric, gaining value in our hearts until we are able to embody in it this Precious Jewel that is Christ.

-Gnostic Instructor NAP